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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Overeating Disorder

Dr Liliya Korallo

Unusual eating habits are neither good for the mind nor for the stomach. For this reason, it is like constantly thinking about food, even if the timing is not perfect. In essence, for the stomach, it is about overcrowding it with the extra capacity it can undertake easily. Overeating is slowly becoming a trend more than a habit. And present, social media influence is gaining new coverage of people trying more food as experiments. But it is time we understand the importance of eating minimally and up to tolerance.

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

In combination, binge eating disorder refers to the imbalance of eating large amounts of calories over a short period of time. Binge eating also refers to having the appetite to eat more food without having the urge to eat. It is like eating in a state of no hunger. Loss of control can be one of the causes that trigger eating disorders. But people living individually have their say in this matter. Their eating disorders are a result of emotional and psychological triggers disturbing them.

In addition to this, certain behaviours are associated with binge eating. These include:

  • Eating rapidly

  • Eating until one is uncomfortably full

  • Consuming or eating large amounts of food even when there is no hunger

  • And often eating alone to hide the amount of food you are eating

From the above behaviours, you will find out that a person's schedule of imbalanced eating is mainly related to their state of mind. For example, when a person eats alone to hide the amount of food they are consuming, they are primarily concerned about what others will think rather than the food they are wrongly consuming.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder is primarily related to thoughts that emerge in your mind about eating food and being hungry. Though, in fact, you are neither hungry nor have any appetite to consume more food. But there is that thought in your mind of your love for food that tempts you to give it another try. Eating disorder reasons can be divided into three states, i.e. psychological, behavioural, and physical.

Psychological Symptoms and Signs of Eating Disorder

  • We are spending a considerable time thinking about food. This can also mean thinking about food during more extended periods and different parts of the day.

  • A constant or general feeling of being out of control

  • Being low in confidence and a state of low self-esteem

  • Depression and anxiety are the primary drivers of almost every type of disorder.

  • Social withdrawal, where you only think about what your mind has to say

Behavioural Symptoms and Signs of Eating Disorder

  • With more appetite, you buy more food, which will eventually lead to more consumption

  • Eating food until you find yourself uncomfortably full

  • Eating is secret, so you and your food remain hidden from others' attention

Physical Symptoms and Signs of Eating Disorder

  • Weight gain is the first sign that more food is what will fulfil your appetite

  • Tiredness and difficulties in sleeping

  • Bloating, stomach pain, and constipation

Types of Eating Disorders

Though we know of binge eating disorder as the primary eating disorder, there are many other sorts of conditions that follow. Below, we list some other eating disorders that are somewhat linked to binge eating disorders.

Anorexia Nervosa

You can consider anorexia nervosa a disorder linked to eating less than eating more. Yet, it is a disorder since a person with anorexia nervosa eats less, assuming they are overweight, whereas, in contrast, they are considered underweight.

Common Symptoms:

  1. Restricted eating patterns

  2. Influenced significantly by body weight

  3. Significant fear of gaining weight

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person feels the urge to eat more but during specific periods. In contrast to binge eating disorder, where a person can eat more at any time, a person eats more only at particular periods. This eating disorder is more harmful since eating more in a shorter period has adverse effects.

Common Symptoms:

  1. Recurrent scenes of eating with a lack of control

  2. Self-esteem that is influenced by body weight and shape

  3. A normal-weight person's fear of gaining weight

Rumination Disorder

Rumination disorder is a typically new disorder that is identified and difficult to understand. In such a disorder, a person regurgitates food they have chewed and swallowed and can either consume it again or spill it out. This disorder can occur in any stage, from infant to old; however, it gets treated with therapies only for children and the aged.

Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Simple to understand, a restrictive food intake disorder happens when a person loses the appetite to eat food. This can happen for many reasons, such as a need for more interest in eating and distaste for specific tastes, colours, smells, temperatures, and textures.

Common Symptoms:

  • Restrictions and avoidance of food intake that limits appetite

  • Weight loss, including poor development for age and height

  • Nutritional deficiencies

Hence, this ensures that eating disorders can be of any type and any limits, from extreme eating to extreme avoidance.

What Causes Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders develop from your state of mind. Of all the talk about eating disorders, what goes into your mind is what happens during these disorders. For example, you constantly think about food, have an appetite to eat more, and continue to eat until your mind signals that you are full. Another factor related to your mind's antics is the atmosphere and surrounding scenarios. Hence, below, we enlist all the combined causes that result in an eating disorder.

Psychological Factors:

  • Vulnerable to anxiety and depression

  • Stress that has become hard to manage

  • Worrying more about the future

  • Perfectionist nature

  • Controlling emotions

  • Developing compulsive and obsessive feelings

  • Fear of being called fat and overweight

Environmental Factors:

  • Abuse

  • School pressure

  • Criticism of body shape and eating habits

  • Somewhat difficult family relationships

CBT for Overeating Disorder

Overeating has more to do with your mental state than anything else. Mental issues are best resolved with the help of therapies. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the perfect choice when it comes to developing valuable thoughts in minds and helping you to behave better in the circumstances. However, our discussion will not be limited to CBT for overeating and how it helps the overeating disorder. We will highlight what you can individually plan for yourself if you are initially into overeating disease.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the perfect choice for establishing functional thinking patterns to lead a better life. CBT for overeating helps to establish an exemplary network between your mind and food. A good connection leads to a better lifestyle, planned and controlled food consumption, and a better response from your body.

CBT professional therapists deal with ways to produce a constructive plan for your diet. In essence, CBT is a talking therapy, hence the more input you provide; your therapist can devise a better plan. The ideal way to make this therapy conclusive and responsive is to guide your therapists about your routine and how you consider food. In essence, this will help your therapist devise realistic goals to help you ideally.

Actions You Can Perform Individually to Counter Overeating

To leave everything at the mercy of CBT is not good for bringing eating therapies. In essence, for people experiencing overeating early, here are some ways to overcome this disorder.

  • Follow a Balanced Eating Plan

It is better to consult a nutritionist or consider your daily food intake. It is easy to think about what your body needs and plan a balanced diet.

  • Limit Alcohol

Alcohol is a primary factor in diminishing our impulse control and blood sugar level. These are the defensive components against binge eating disorders.

  • Manage Your Mood

In extreme cases, CBT acts as a pinpoint tool in guiding your mood. Behavior has a significant impact on eating disorders. And if you can help your mood, you can help yourself.

Confidence develops the first step of defiance against any issue or shortfall. When you build trust, you can feel higher self-esteem, which can help you control your poor habits, such as overeating.

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