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Borderline Personality Disorder

  • Abandonment Fear 

The fear of abandonment is common in people with BDP, as they feel uncomfortable being neglected by their loved ones. However, they feel emptiness, loneliness, and anger due to the fear of abandonment. 

  • Unclear Self-Image

People with BPD experience self-confidence issues. One time you may have a positive approach towards your personality, while the other can change into a negative and hateful approach. You do not have a clear idea about yourself or what you want.

  • Unstable Interrelationships 

In BPD, people find their relationship incomplete or unreliable. They sometimes make quick relations to get the love they find to fill their hollowness. Also, they can withdraw from relations quickly due to the fear of abandonment. 

  •  Self-Destructive Behaviour 

If you suffer from BPD, an upset mood or anger can lead to self-destructive behaviours like rash driving, excessive use of alcohol, binge eating or more. 

  • Feeling of Anger and Emptiness

People with BPD feel empty or aimless while questioning their presence. This feeling is extremely comfortable, which leads to self-destructive activities and sometimes explosive anger. However, people may start throwing things or yelling. 

  • Mood Swings 

You may feel a sudden change in your mood and feelings about yourself as well as for others. However, irrational emotions can also arise in you, including hatred, anxiety, fear, emptiness, love, sadness and more. 

  • Hallucinations 

Random and temporary paranoid thoughts are among the notable symptoms of BPD. The hallucinations may occur due to fear and stress. Because of this, people may get far away from reality for some time. 

The causes of BPD

There is no specific or single cause of BPD. However, it can occur due to several reasons, such as:

  • Brain Development

According to research, people with BPD have three parts of their brain smaller than others. These parts include the amygdala, the orbitofrontal, and the hippocampus. Problems with these brain parts can lead to BPD symptoms. 

  • Genetic Issues

You can inherit BPD from your parents or family. If your parents or any predecessor have BPD, you are more likely to adopt it; however, it is not necessary. 

  • Environmental Factors 

Environmental factors such as physical or child abuse, distress as a child, any fear, being neglected by parents, traumatic life, growing up in an inappropriate environment etc., can cause BPD. 

Diagnosis of BPD

There is no specific or definitive borderline personality disorder test. Moreover, the diagnosis is not based on any particular symptom or sign. If you are experiencing any BPD symptoms, you need BPD counselling. However, you consult a private BPD diagnosis UK specialist who will identify the problem through a comprehensive interview.

The mental health professional will talk about your feelings, previous clinicians, medical evaluations, family medical history, unpleasant past events, and more. People under 18 are not typically diagnosed with BPD, as the personality changes during the first 18 years of life. However, people who are 18+ and have been experiencing symptoms of BPD for more than a year may be diagnosed with this issue. Mental health professionals can also interview the person’s family and friends to collect more information. 

Borderline personality disorder treatments in London

Many people search “Can you cure BPD”? The answer is yes. Treating it is challenging as there is no specific medical EUPD treatment. However, it can be diagnosed and treated with proper counselling. The following are considered the most accepted and effective BPD private treatments UK! 

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is among the proven BPD treatments in London. This helps people to address and tackle many psychological issues by developing healthy coping skills. CBT is effective in reducing borderline personality disorder symptoms by changing your approach and thinking towards life, including your daily-life actions.

This Therapy is about developing positive thoughts in a person with less focus on the past and more on the present. Hence, your CBT therapist will give you many pieces of advice and guidelines to change your thinking direction from negative to positive. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Schema-Focused Therapy are two main types of CBT; however, both are equally effective for:

  1. Regulating your emotions

  2. Dealing with stress and conflict

  3. To live in a present 

  4. Improving relations 

  5. Achieving motivation and mindfulness 

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy 

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is specially designed for people with BPD. DBT considers that the most difficult part of BPD is managing emotions. However, it focuses on emotion management while changing unstable thoughts, poorly formed beliefs and behaviours while accepting a person’s emotions. DBT therapists help you in developing the following skills to cope with BPD.

  1. Interpersonal effectiveness skills 

  2. Mindfulness meditation skills 

  3. Emotion regulation skills 

  4. Distress tolerance skills 

  • Mentalisation-Based Therapy 

Mentalisation-Based Therapy is a psychotherapy for BPD that help people to recognise their actual thoughts, feelings, and desires. “Mentalisation” refers to the ability to recognise your state of mind.

People suffering from BPD signs usually find it difficult to mentalise appropriately due to unstable relationships. However, mentalised-based Therapy involves the patient-therapist interaction focusing on the present to enhance your emotional connection and recognition. The therapist will help you to form new and healthy mentalising skills. MBT is effective in the following ways:

  1. Helps you to recognise your emotions and feelings 

  2. Emotion-management

  3. Reduces anxiety

  4. Helps to form a sense of identity 

You can find professional Personality Disorder Counselling in London to lead a quality and better lifestyle. However, result-oriented BPD treatment requires time and patience. 


How can you cure BPD by yourself?

With self-help, you can reduce the early symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. You can cure BPD by yourself with the help of meditation, talking to someone, podcasts, taking care of your health and more. 

What to do if I get BPD?

It is important to talk to someone or seek help if you are experiencing BPD signs. However, proper BPD counselling and therapies help treat this issue. 

Is it possible to recover from BPD?

Yes, with professional counselling and therapy sessions, you can recover from BPD and lead a quality lifestyle

How many sessions does it take to reduce the symptoms of BPD?

This depends on your condition and recovery speed. Generally, you would have one individual session per week with your counsellor until you recover. In addition, you can attend group therapy and use telephone coaching.

What is a Borderline Personality Disorder? 

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) refers to a mental state characterised by unstable mood, emotions, self-doubt and insecurity in relationships. It is sometimes known as an emotionally unstable personality disorder. (EUPD).

People suffering from BPD have an intense fear of abandoning by their loved ones while suffering from feelings of anger and emptiness. This leads them to engage in self-destructive behaviours and other complexities.

BDP belongs to “Cluster B” personality disorders which involve erratic behaviours that lead to many social and relationship issues. Both men and women can experience BDP; however, 70% of people diagnosed with this condition are women. There are many effective treatments for BPD disorder that can decrease the suffering and symptoms of people with this issue.  

What are the symptoms of BPD?

BPD symptoms usually appear in early adulthood or late teenage years. However, the signs and symptoms vary from person to person. Borderline personality disorder manifests in multiple ways; however, mental health experts have classified the symptoms into some categories to diagnose BDP. You must possess at least five of these symptoms with long-standing to get BPD private treatment. The symptoms are as follows!

borderline personality disorder
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