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Panic Attacks

Panic Disorder


For many, there is always a 'red button' waiting to be pressed, even in everyday situations. Red buttons are a term that we often use to signal panic buttons. Panic buttons do not exist materialistically; however, their presence in minds is nothing short of panic itself. When we find our backs behind the walls, we call for panic to hunt us. The presence of panic and uncertainty in our bodies and minds primarily results from our mental weakness. There are often solutions right in front, but panic disorders and attacks numb our senses. 


What is a Panic Attack? 


We have heard of fear and stress when things do not or are not going as to our liking. In extreme scenarios or events, we can exaggerate the feelings using the word' panic attack'. Panic attacks refer to the same state of fear and stress but in a magnified way. In short, someone is in a panic state when we have to inform them there is a high-stress factor among that person. 


The states of fear, worry, and numbness are naturally occurring and are a part of life. However, dealing with these states or thoughts is what requires courage. Most people find themselves unfit to deal with and confront their fears. For example, most people have this phobia of going to the hospital. It triggers the fear factor in their minds when visiting the hospital. Though nothing serious, they may pant, sweat, and even lose their senses. This is the perfect explanation of what a panic attack can be like. 


Moreover, panic attacks are not your regular threatening 'attacks'. They have termed attacks since they infuse much fear in you. These attacks usually last for about 5 to 20 minutes but can occur in any instant. Mostly, the factor that triggers them the most is their fears and level of anxiety. Panic attacks vary in severity from person to person, but sound therapy can take it all away. 

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Physical Symptoms:


  • Sweating

  • Shaking and Trembling

  • Chest Pains

  • Heart Palpitations

  • Dizzy Feelings

  • Hot and Cold Flashes


Mental Symptoms:


  • Spike in anxiety with and without cause

  • Detachment feel from surrounding

  • Fear of going intensely crazy


What is Panic Disorder? 


Panic attacks or simple attacks develop and occur when there is a state of fear. Fear takes up gradually until it becomes an attack or a panic attack. But people often suffer from this issue that even the mildest of scenarios trigger their panic. It is natural to undergo fear, stress, and anxiety, and it is also natural to have panic feelings. However, if your panic state varies in timing, severity, and order, then it is what you may call a panic disorder. 


To understand deeply, consider a person going through a mild issue that raises negligible fear and tension. However, considering his history of panic attacks, they consider the minor fear the hardest. In other words, they cannot configure the severity of the issue they are facing and if there is a solution nearby. In contrast, what troubles them is that the mildest fear might grow into something big, and the panic level will increase at any moment. 


Such people constantly undergo varying panic disorders where the severity of the issue and that of the panic attack do not coincide. Panic disorders are mostly a part of a person's weak thinking ability and poor mental health. Disrupted mental stability allows the smallest of fears to overcrowd the mind and result in panic disorder. 


Symptoms of Panic Disorder


If there is any disorder or disruption out there that is easy to identify, then it has to be panic disorder. It is like panic symptoms are easily visible on a person's face and the actions they are performing during and before the panic attack. Here is a detailed explanation of panic disorder's different signs and symptoms. 


  • Impending Sense of Danger 


For a person that suffers from panic attacks, they have to remain vigilant about any fear that is nearby naturally. And this sense makes them fall into the trap easily. There is constantly a sense in their minds that fear is just around the corner and is about to leap upon them. 


  • Loss of Control Feelings 


If they cannot manage their fears, it is best to fall into them easily. This is the mindset of people living with panic disorder. They find themselves lost in having the ability to control themselves. With a loss of confidence, there is also a loss of control. 


  •  Rapid Heart Rate 


Fear naturally and generally triggers your heartbeat massively. It is not just for people with panic disorder but for a normal human being to find an increased heart rate when there is fear around. However, during panic attacks, there is a visible disturbance in the heart. 


  • Feeling that One May Die 


Increased heart rate, loss of control, and an impending sense of danger infuse a troubling thought in one likewise. This thought is that one might die eventually with all such fears. Since there is no ability within them to fight their fears, a high heart rate makes them think death is nearby. 


  • Sweating, Trembling, Shaking, and Shortness of Breath


All the above signs and symptoms can be understood when there are sure signs evident from a sufferer. These include sweating, trembling, shaking, and shortness of breath. All such signs indicate a person is in trouble or danger and has low confidence. 


What are the Causes and Effects of Panic Disorder? 


Panic disorders are mostly elevated when one suffers from fear, stress, and anxiety. But other factors trigger these thoughts. And panic attacks do not leave or go away even after an inevitable attack. They constantly stay around the corner and leave a daunting image on one. 


Causes of Panic Disorders


  • Family History 


Most disorders happen to originate from family genes. If someone from your family is a sufferer of this, it is likely that you might catch a panic disorder any time soon. 


  • Traumatic Brain Injury 


Disorders are mostly linked to weakness in mental stability and strength. And one factor that triggers it is a particularly traumatic brain injury that someone underwent in earlier stages of life. TMI leaves anxiety control in a nutshell, and the sufferer is always prone to high degrees of stress. 


  • Stressful Events 


Events such as the death of a loved one, marriage, divorce, and even job change leave a person in a state of stress. For most, it is a short-lived stressful moment, but for others, it stays in the mind longer and returns to haunt them often. 


  • Substance Abuse 


Mental stability and mental health will not be improved when substance abuse is common. Also, people prone to substance abuse may develop panic disorder with this habit even if there is no other sign of panic attack. 


Effects of Panic Disorder 


The above can be stated as the reasons that cause, develop, and increase panic disorders. But in the longer run, the following are the after-effects they leave on you. 

  • Racing or impounding heartbeat 

  • Shortness of breath 

  • Dizziness

  • Tremble 

  • Muscle pain 


When to Get Help for Panic Disorder? 


Panic disorders result in frequent panic attacks. But this scenario and situation are not helpful for the sufferer. There often arises a question that when a person should consult for any disorder treatment or when a therapist must be consulted. Panic disorder is the only disorder where it is necessary to consult a professional therapist immediately. 

It is because a disorder becomes firm and permanent if no attention is provided. In the case of panic disorder, the initial issue that one faces is a panic attack. Increased panic leads to more panic attacks, and eventually, panic attacks turn into panic disorders, i.e. they can occur at different times. 


When this situation is achieved, it is evident to consult a therapist. However, it is also necessary to consult a therapist during the early stages. During the early stages of a panic attack issue, it becomes easy to diagnose and provide a solution. Also, diagnosing a problem early and limiting it to minimal damage is manageable. Else, it may grow into something firmer. 


Panic Disorder Treatment in London – In-person and Online


Panic disorder is becoming common among people of all ages. It is also pertinent to find suitable therapists to deal with the issue conclusively. City Psychological Services is one such profound counselling service provider with an excellent team of professional therapists at their disposal to help your issues.


Our staff  have valuable expertise in dealing with panic disorders with exemplary thought processes. Using the perfect diagnosis techniques and methods, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, our therapists arrange and conduct counselling sessions for you with the passion for resolving ongoing mental and physical issues. 


CBT Therapy for Panic Disorder 


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is a professional methodology used worldwide to deal with your mental issues and troubles. Moreover, CBT is a proven therapy that is essential and useful in dealing with your mental troubles. This therapy is effective since it bridges the gap between your mind and the negative thoughts that develop in them. Through professionally conducted CBT for panic attacks, like by City Psychological Services, you will find a way to deal with panic attacks by developing strong characteristics to counter your fears through good behaviours and control over their stress factors. 




What are the benefits of panic attack treatment? 


CBT Panic attacks treatments help a person to move away from panic disorders that result from attacks during a state of fear. Here are all the valuable benefits a patient enjoys after successful treatment:

  • Reduction in panic attack frequency and total elimination if the disorder is in its early stages 

  • Superb control over fears, anxiety, and stress

  • Increased ability to face previous fears and anxiety with reasonable control 

  • Improved quality of life 

  • Improvement in confidence and self-esteem 


How long does the therapy for panic attacks last?


Different counselling service providers have different plans for counselling and therapy sessions. Generally, the therapy takes around 6 to 9 months to complete. 

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